Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dumping Dept

Do you feel like you have control of your money (spending), or does your money have control over you? 
I feel that I mainly have control over my money and what I spend it on. Although sometimes I feel that money has control over me because there are a few things that you must spend money on such as food, gas and other necessities that get you around from day to day.
What do you think this means? 
The quote is meaning that we do not get out of debt by earning more money instead we get out of it by replacing that habit with one that is better and can better help us to get out of that debt. An appropriate habit to replace the habit of dept with would be to pay your bills on time and make sure that you don't have that standing debt.
Are you worried about getting into financial trouble as you get older? 
As a teenager you are always concerned with what is ahead of you. As for me I feel that I can control my budget and spending to meet those problems and worries. I feel that I must have a job that not only pays well but also meets those needs so that I do not get into trouble with lingering debt.
Does money factor in to your culminating project/or career path you have chosen? If so, how? Should money be a major consideration in choosing your life’s path?
Money does play a crucial factor in the career that I have set ahead of me. It is something that I have to consider whether or not the job is worth the pay or not, and that is something that you must look at for every job. Therefore i believe that money should be a major consideration in choosing your life's path. That is because all of the insurance, taxes, medical bills and other things that are going to come along in your life span that you must pay for.

1 comment:

  1. You are wise to be concerned about debt and financial problems-to have a healthy respect for finances. Interestingly,people who make huge salaries get in as much trouble as those not making minimum wage.

    Matt, I really enjoyed the FFA banquet-you and Morgan did great jobs with your speeches.
